Welcome to The
Finance Analytics Institute.
We Make Digital
Transformation Easy.

The Roadmap to Digital Transformation is not hard, long, or expensive – it’s a discipline about Mindset, People, Process, and Systems.

We change the fact that currently 3 of 4 digital transformation project fails to a success rate of 100%

Free Membership with no obligation to build your baseline knowledge to plan digital transformation and skills development. Including:

Digital Transformation On-Demand Class​:

Learn what transformation is, and it isn’t what you think! This video is one of the classes of the Analytics Academy that sets the stage for digital transformation.

Benchmark Report:

Get your individual Benchmark Report to understand your 1) Culture, 2) Skillset (as seen on the infographic), and Value Creation to learn where you are and how you compare to your peer group.

Research Institute:

Access the entire library with a curated collection of books, papers, articles and video clips about Digital Culture, Capabilities, Analytics and AI of data driven decision making.

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The Analytics Academy

The Academy is a curated path to learn “How To” implement and acquire the skills for digital transformation with a coordinated curriculum based on critically acclaimed books.

The Academy – Certificate Program has 30+ classes (ranging from 20-70 minutes). Each class is followed up by a 15-30 minutes ‘Fireside Chat’ between two subject matter experts discussing the topic of the class. With each class you earn 1 credit towards a certificate in Digital Intelligence. Gain your first (of three) certificate at just 10 credits.


Where are you in your digital transformation?
You​ don’t know because you don’t have a roadmap to measure against and a database to understand where your peers are.​

The Benchmark Report is the only quantitative assessment across the digital Roadmap to measure the three foundational areas of Digital Transformation: 1) Digital Culture, 2) Digital Skillset, and 3) Digital Value to answer the three questions Are you ready? Are you capable? Are You creating value?

With our far-reaching data base of thousands of survey responses, we are able to tell you what Average, Top, and World Class is, how you compare, and your gaps to achieve your digital aspiration.

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Understand where you are on your Digital Roadmap to set a realistic target for your future aspiration.

Decision Dilemma


Only 18% of business decision makers believe the data in management repots, other internal reports and business intelligence tools is decision-ready.


Only 22% of finance leaders report that their company’s performance data is decision-ready.

Source: 2019 Gartner Data Management Model

Analytics Scorecard™ (ASC)

If 18% of decision-makers believe in their management reports then 82% don’t!

This is due to stovepipe functional reporting that’s informative but too often not connected to strategy, so you’re not measuring the right KPIs to know where to act and the impact of the action on strategy.

Enter the ASC, a fusion of the Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map with AI-enabled analytics for an unbiased confirmation of the KPIs that can and will increase performance and the thresholds needed to achieve the Strategic Objectives.

Digital Transformation is not hard, long, or expensive, it is simply a discipline!

Digital Transformation Consultancy (DTC)

Wanting digital transformation and attaining it are two different things – which is why 2 of 3 projects fail.

With 1000+ analytics projects, FAI is a veteran of digital transformation.

We’ve seen what makes success and the causes of failure, and the road to transformation on the adjacent figure defines a simplicity of process on a managed time.

Our experienced Consultant's handhold you though the entire project

Outsourcing Analytics

All organizations are considering digital transformation of some form. . . BUT, they often don’t have the bandwidth, skills, tools, or budget to do so.

We go beyond spreadsheets, BI, Power BI, Tableau, Anaplan, etc. and with our advanced AI-Enabled analytics platform and skilled team we provide deep analytics insights from your data for increased forecast and planning accuracy and decision-making.

In just 30 days, we will:

  • Define the object of the analytics

  • Identify the data and sources, and baseline data cleaning

  • Build the analytics models and deliver the analytics reports

Gain the capabilities to be an Analytics Powerhouse without CAPEX investments

The Research Institute

Is a library and Collaboration Center for students and authorship to bring vision, voice, and clarity on wide ranging topics.

The library consists of curated books, papers, articles, and webinar videos about AI, analytics, and digital transformation.

The Collaboration Center is for people/businesses who are interested in writing with us or sponsoring a paper, article, or book by us utilizing our far-reaching database of survey results.